Take better notes with Microsoft’s OneNote

Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel form the foundation of most Office experiences. But there’s another application that doesn’t get its fair share of attention: OneNote. It’s severely underutilized considering how helpful it is, so we’re going to explain some of the basics. OneNote is a digital notebook Despite the visual similarities, the thing that sets […]

Tell Office 2016 and Office 365 apart

Microsoft delivers some of the best productivity tools for businesses worldwide. Office 2016 and Office 365 are the most popular software in the market today. And while both offer Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, there are some significant differences between each product. Read on to find out. How they’re paid for Office 2016 is a stand-alone […]

Have you used these 6 Gmail tips yet?

Time is of the essence, especially for small- or medium-sized businesses. To keep up with your competitors, spending most of your day rummaging through your inbox won’t help. Use these Gmail tips and tricks and spend less time in front of the monitor and more time enhancing your bottom line. Undo Send We’ve all had […]

Workplace Analytics measures productivity

Microsoft’s MyAnalytics was designed for employees to monitor their individual performance. An updated version, Workplace Analytics, is a significant upgrade because it can be accessed by managers. It not only provides managers with insight into an individual employee’s performance, but it also helps them plan and create strategies around increasing productivity and improving employee output […]

Office 365 tips to make your life easier

Office 365 receives dozens of changes every month, which explains why some get overlooked. While Office 365 Planner or Microsoft Teams are great tools for maximizing productivity, there are hidden functions and tricks you can use to make life a bit easier for yourself. Check out our six tips to improve your user experience with […]

Increase productivity with web monitoring

With YouTube, Reddit, and Instagram just a few clicks away, it’s a miracle you can get anything done during an eight-hour workday. As you’re probably well aware by now, there is a huge possibility for employees to waste precious time on sites not related to your business. This problem arises when a company does nothing […]

Should you monitor your employees online?

Should you monitor your employees online?

To monitor your employees, or not to monitor, that is the topic of this blog post today. If you’ve ever considered monitoring your staff’s online activities, you may’ve been lost as to whether or not it’s the right decision. So we’ve listed the pros and cons of doing it, and some tips to make it a success if you go through with it.